Category: Yale Combined Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Program

The Yale Combined Internal Medicine/Pediatrics Residency Program engages residents to become wise, compassionate physicians in a supportive, collegial environment. Founded in 1998, the program is integrated within both Departments of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, yet also maintains a unique identity unto itself. This balance – a small, collegial program within two comprehensive departments – fosters a high quality, person-focused educational experience with a distinct energy.

This podcast features our noon conference conversations from celebrated Yale faculty and Yale med-peds alumni who are making significant contributions in their field. Enjoy.

RN Aware ~ The Role of Gender and Race in Nurse-Physician Relations with Hinette Rosario, MD

RN Aware ~ The Role of Gender and Race in Nurse-Physician Relations with Hinette Rosario, MD

Dr. Rosario is a graduate of Yale’s Med-Peds program and is presently a first-year fellow in the Medical Education Fellowship. In this noon conference, she explores the complex interplay between physicians and nurses in the shared mission of patient care, with an emphasis on implicit bias.

Public Health in New Haven with Maritza Bond, MPH

Public Health in New Haven with Maritza Bond, MPH

Ms. Bond is the Health Director for the New Haven Health Department, where she shared her career journey and discussed the city’s major public health issues. In particular, she shared the strategic plan for opioid overdoses, vaccine accessibility, and social determinants of health.

Congenital HIV Infection and Challenges to Care Engagement with Dr. Merceditas Villanueva, MD

Congenital HIV Infection and Challenges to Care Engagement with Dr. Merceditas Villanueva, MD

Dr. Villanueva is the Director of the HIV Program at Yale, the Firm Chief of the Donaldson Service, and Course Director of Attacks and Defenses at the Yale School of Medicine, and the Director of Yale’s Ryan White funding. In this noon conference, she presents a case study of a patient with congenital HIV, incorporating updates for the latest HIV regimens.

Maximilian Bartel, Going Out, Looking In

Maximilian Bartel, Going Out, Looking In

Maxi is a internationally-recognized podcaster of Going Out, Looking In, which is “about the big questions of life, personal growth, and spirituality.” His podcast can be found here:

He has interviewed more than 50 thought-leaders from around the world about the good life – psychologists, pastors, spiritual seekers, scholars, and the like. As such, he has amassed an accumulated wisdom, a robust qualitative study, about human flourishing. He also is one of the more warm-hearted, engaging hosts I’ve encountered in the podcast universe.

Apolipoprotein A and reverse cascade cardiac prevention: a quality improvement project

Apolipoprotein A and reverse cascade cardiac prevention: a quality improvement project

Dr. Joshua Hyman, MD, PGY-2, Yale Medicine-Pediatrics Residency Program, prepared at Harvard College and Yale Medical School prior to his residency. This noon conference describes the latest updates in cardiovascular screening and its application in an innovative hot-spotting project in the med-peds continuity clinic.

Global health, chronic disease, and building a research career – perspectives from a med-peds trained physician

Global health, chronic disease, and building a research career – perspectives from a med-peds trained physician

Dr. Jeremy Schwartz, Associate Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology, Yale School of Medicine, is a 2010 graduate Yale Med-Peds program who has designed an exciting career as researcher, educator, and clinician, with a special focus on chronic disease in the developing world.