Category: Yale Certificate in Medical Software and Medical AI: Guest Experts

This is a set of interviews that were recorded as supplementary teaching material for both our new online Yale Certificate Program in Medical Software and Medical AI, and the original Yale/Coursera Class Introduction to Medical Software. The topics cover issues important to medical software and medical artificial intelligence, ranging from regulatory issues, to algorithm development and software engineering, to clinical implementation, and other related areas. We try to keep most of the material at the introductory to intermediate level. We hope that you feel them useful and educational.

These interviews are also available in video form on YouTube. .

For more information on the certificate program see:

The audio theme is excerpted from the song “Opening” by Magiksolo.

Global Health, Digital Health and AI

Global Health, Digital Health and AI

Our guest is Riccardo Lampariello, who is a statistician by training and brings almost 25 years of experience in health. He initially spent 10 years in the pharmaceutical industry and then moved into the not-for-profit sector: GAVI, UICC and Terre des hommes. In 2022 he joined D-tree as their CEO. D-tree’s mission is to expand access to high-quality, essential healthcare by enabling better decision making.

His experience includes clinical operations, portfolio management, business development, capacity building, and public health. In the last 10 years, he has focused on adapting digital health solutions to the unique contexts of developing countries and scale them successfully to national level in Burkina Faso, India and Zanzibar. He also acquired substantial experience on data governance. He holds a MSc in Statistics and a MBA specialized in not-for-profit.

The interview was recorded on May 17th, 2024.

Further Reading and Links

The BBC video embedded in this interview can be found at:

A video jointly produced by Yale BIDS and D-Tree on their work in Zanzibar can be found at:
You can learn more about D-tree’s work:

You can sign up to D-tree’s newsletter to stay up to date about their work:

WHO guidelines for chatbots for sexual and reproductive guidance

Large Language Model-based Chatbots and Medical Regulation

Large Language Model-based Chatbots and Medical Regulation

Our guest is Prof. Stephen Gilbert ( who is a Professor of Medical Device Regulatory Science at the Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Digital Health, Technische Universität Dresden where he teaches and conducts research on regulatory science with a team of colleagues. He is also News and Views Editor, Nature Portfolio – Digital Health. He worked in senior MedTech and Digital Heath roles in industry for 5 years, before returning to academia in 2022.

His research goals are to advance the regulatory science of software as a medical device and AI-enabled medical devices. Innovative digital approaches to healthcare must be accompanied by innovative approaches in regulation to ensure speed to market, to maximum access of patients to life saving treatments whilst ensuring safety on market. His main research interests are in: (i) data sharing and the European Health Data Space; (ii) approaches to market approval of adaptive AI enabled medical devices; (iii) drugdigital/AI-enabled medical device product realisation; (iv) digital/virtual twins: as an organising concept of the future of healthcare.”

Further Reading

Derraz B, Breda G, Kaempf C, Baenke F, Cotte F, Reiche K, Köhl U, Kather JN, Eskenazy D, Gilbert S. New regulatory thinking is needed for AI-based personalised drug and cell therapies in precision oncology. NPJ Precis Oncol [Internet]. Nature Publishing Group; 2024 Jan 30 [cited 2024 Jan 30];8(1):1–11. Available from:
Gilbert S, Harvey H, Melvin T, Vollebregt E, Wicks P. Large language model AI chatbots require approval as medical devices. Nat Med [Internet]. Nature Publishing Group; 2023 Jun 30 [cited 2023 Jun 30];1–3. Available from:

Gilbert S and Kather JN. Guardrails for the use of generalist AI in cancer care. Nature Reviews Cancer [Internet]. Nature Publishing Group; 2024 Apr 16 [cited 2024 Apr 16]. Available from:

AI and Medical Software Engineering with Hirohito Okuda

AI and Medical Software Engineering with Hirohito Okuda

Our guest is Mr. Hirohito Okuda. Mr Okuda has close to 30 years of working experience in the medical device industry. Currently he is a principal AI engineer at Konica Minolta, Japan where he directs AI engineering across the company, leads generative AI adaptation, helps to establish AI guidelines and is also a member of the AI ethics review committee that reviews all AI products across the company. Prior to that, he was for 2 years an AI R&D division manager at DeNa and for 10 years prior he was a software engineering division manager at General Electric, Japan. Before that, he spent two years as a research software engineer at Yale. The interview was recorded on Dec 6, 2023.

Agile in a Regulated Environment with Bernhard Kappe

Agile in a Regulated Environment with Bernhard Kappe

Our guest is Mr. Bernhard Kappe ( who is the founder and CEO of Orthogonal (, a medical device consulting company. He is also a member of the AAMI working group AAMI SW WG-10 Cloud Computing. This interview was recorded on Nov 16, 2023.

Further Reading:
Kappe B. Accelerating Medical Product Development: Applying Agile Methods to Shorten Timelines, Reduce Risk and Improve Quality [Internet]. Orthogonal; 2020. Available from:
Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI). AAMI TIR45: 2023; Guidance on the use of agile practices in the development of medical device software. Arlington VA: Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation; 2023. Report No.: TIR45.

Agile Lego Game:

Software Development with/and AI with Larkin Lowrey

Software Development with/and AI with Larkin Lowrey

Our guest is Mr Larkin Lowrey ( Mr Lowrey has spent the past 30 years in the Software Engineering Product Development space building new product development organizations but also turning around organizations which had fallen into traps resulting in poor quality, execution and products which did not resonate in the marketplace. Most of his career has been in IoT and, notably, he built a telematics platform that was sold to Verizon and now operates as Verizon Networkfleet. Recently he moved into MedTech. He states that there is a lot of overlap between these areas given how medical devices, sensors increasingly make heavy use of cloud analytics platforms. This interview was recorded on Dec
7, 2023.

Further Reading/watching:
Webinar: Crossing the Chasm: Growing Tech Professionals into MedTech Professionals | Orthogonal:
Code Generation AI:
• Github Copilot:
Image Generation AI:
• Midjourney

Emerging Global AI Regulations with Anat Lior

Emerging Global AI Regulations with Anat Lior

Our guest is Prof. Anat Lior ( who is an assistant professor at Drexel University’s Thomas R. Kline School of Law, an AI Schmidt affiliated Scholar with the Jackson School at Yale and an affiliated fellow at the Yale Information Society Project. Her research interests include AI governance and liability, quantum computing policy, and the intersection of insurance and emerging technologies. The interview was recorded on Dec 5, 2023.

Further Reading:
EU AI Act:
Biden AI Executive Order:
Lior A. Insuring Ai: The role of insurance in artificial intelligence regulation. Harv J Law Technol. 2002;35(2):467–530. Available from:

Medical Device Cybersecurity with Oleg Yusim

Medical Device Cybersecurity with Oleg Yusim

Our guest is Mr. Oleg Yusim ( who is a currently vice-president and Chief Product Security Officer at Illumna. At the time we recorded this video, he was Senior Director of Information Security at Edwards Lifesciences. He has many years of experience in the area cybersecurity in medical devices. This video was recorded Dec 11, 2023.

Further Reading:

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Center for Devices and Radiological Health. Cybersecurity in Medical Devices: Quality Systems and Premarket Submissions. Sep 2023.

Healthcare Vulnerability Scoring System (HVSS) Version 1.0 Calculator:

Medical AI: From Algorithms to Solutions with Elad Walach

Medical AI: From Algorithms to Solutions with Elad Walach

Our guest is Elad Walach ( who is a founder and CE of AIDoc ( Based in Tel Aviv, Aidoc is a leading provider of medical AI solutions. It has 13 algorithms cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, with over 1,000 hospitals using its products across the globe.

Further Reading:

Elad Walach. An AI model is NOT An AI Product. January 31, 2024

AIDoc. Understanding Recent AI Regulations and Guidelines. January 29, 2024.

The EU AI Act and Medical Device Regulation with Andrea Biasiucci

The EU AI Act and Medical Device Regulation with Andrea Biasiucci

Our guest is Dr. Andrea Biasiucci ( who is the CEO of confinis (, a worldwide medical device regulatory consulting company based in Switzerland. Dr. Biasiucci received his Ph.D. in Brain-Computer Interfaces from EPFL in Lausanne, and has been an AI-based neurotech innovator for over a decade. The video was recorded on Nov 22, 2023.

This is a follow up interview to a previous discussion recorded with Dr. Biasiucci for the Yale Medical Software Coursera Class: (June

Further Reading:

EU AI Act:
Gilbert S, Harvey H, Melvin T, Vollebregt E, Wicks P. Large language model AI chatbots require
approval as medical devices. Nat Med [Internet]. Nature Publishing Group; 2023 Jun 30.
Available from:

Human Factors and Medical Software with Korey Johnson

Human Factors and Medical Software with Korey Johnson

Our guest is Mr. Korey Johnson (, Managing Partner at Bold Insight (, which is a consulting company focusing on User Experience and Human Factors research. The interview was recorded on Dec 15, 2023.

Further Reading/watching:
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). IEC 62366-1 Medical devices – Part 1: Application of usability engineering to medical devices. Geneva, CH; 2015. Available from:

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). IEC 62366-2 Medical devices – Part 2: Guidance on the application of usability engineering to medical devices. Geneva, CH; 2016. Available from:
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA): Center for Devices and Radiological Health. Applying Human Factors and Usability Engineering to Medical Devices; Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff. 2016. Available from:

U.S. Food and Drug Administration. FDA; 2023[Office of the Commissioner. Application of Human Factors Engineering Principles for Combination Products: Questions and Answers Available from:

American National Standards Institute. ANSI/AAMI HE 75:2009 (r2018). 2018. Report No.: 75. Available from:

Lew G, Schumacher RM Jr. AI and UX: Why Artificial Intelligence Needs User Experience. 1st ed. Apress; 2020. Available from:

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Devices, Radiological Health. Digital Health Software Precertification (Pre-Cert) Pilot Program. 2023 May. Available from: