Category: Yale Institute of Sacred Music

Yale Institute of Sacred Music (ISM) is an interdisciplinary graduate center at Yale University that engages broadly with sacred music, worship, and the arts in diverse religious traditions and in civic life. The ISM podcast series focuses on different disciplines and perspectives that touch upon these subjects.

Composers Reflect on Their Work: Ep. 2: A “New” Work by Palestrina

Composers Reflect on Their Work: Ep. 2: A “New” Work by Palestrina

Conductor David Hill talks to two members of a team that newly transcribed and edited a Palestrina Mass that had been gathering dust for more than four hundred and twenty-five years. We will hear a movement from the work as performed by Yale Schola Cantorum in a recording on the Hyperion Label.

Composers Reflect on Their Work: Ep. 1 (Untitled)

Composers Reflect on Their Work: Ep. 1 (Untitled)

Conductor David Hill talks with composers Roderick Williams and Reena Esmail about their commissioned works for Yale Schola Cantorum, released on the Hyperion label. We will hear two complete movements from that recording whose themes of equity, unity, and peace speak to the urgent issues of our time.