Class 1: Introduction to the Course

Class 1: Introduction to the Course

“In general modern man has no solutions.”—Alexander Herzen, From the Other Shore.

HIST 271/HUMS 339: European Intellectual History since Nietzsche is a survey course designed to introduce students to the dominant trends in modern European intellectual history. The class aims to sketch a narrative arc from the late 18th century transition to modernity through the late 20th century transition to post-modernity. Following an overview of the Enlightenment and Romanticism, we move through Hegelianism and Marxism and then on to Nietzsche’s declaration of the death of God. (God had been multifunctional, fulfilling epistemological, ontological and ethical roles. His death left an enormous empty space. Much of modern thought could be described as an attempt to replace God.) Topics include Marxism-Leninism, psychoanalysis, expressionism, structuralism, phenomenology, existentialism, anti-politics, and deconstruction. Authors include Nietzsche, Lenin, Kafka, Freud, Husserl, de Beauvoir, Heidegger, Arendt, Adorno, Sartre, Girard, Foucault, Derrida and Havel.
With Marci Shore, Associate Professor of History at Yale.

This lecture is also available to watch on YouTube.

YJBM Science News Podcast: Episode 10

YJBM Science News Podcast: Episode 10

Welcome to the tenth episode of YJBM Science News, where we discuss the recent news in healthcare and science across the Yale community. Today, our hosts Mara and Samantha discuss four of the most intriguing topics of the past week.


Women in Science – Culture, Community & Impact with Ijeoma Opara, Laura O’Dell & Erin Calipari

Women in Science – Culture, Community & Impact with Ijeoma Opara, Laura O’Dell & Erin Calipari

An engaging, thought-provoking and at times humorous conversation with three transformative scientists and leaders. We’ll hear about their journeys and learn about the opportunities and challenges they’ve encountered and embraced along the way. This is a truly refreshing discussion amongst leaders and role models who are empowering people and communities to tackle societal, scientific, health, and addiction-related challenges. We delve into the importance of realizing one’s value and excellence, while also embracing the attitude of a learner. Our guests share valuable insights from their efforts promoting inclusive and supportive cultures in their teams, institutions, and communities. Join in for this generative discussion, as our guests also share powerful practical tips we can all use to positively impact society. A timely and inspiring conversation!

The Dural Puncture Epidural

The Dural Puncture Epidural

In this episode, Dr. B Amnon Berger shared the results of his study – Epidural catheter replacement rates with dural puncture epidural labor analgesia compared with epidural analgesia without dural puncture: a retrospective cohort study. Besides, we discussed the benefits of a dural puncture epidural technique and how it differs from the combined spinal-epidural technique.

Dr. Ammon study

Importance of a working labor epidural

CSE first described

CSE/DPE techniques review

Epidural vs CSE

Epidural vs. DPE


Cloud Computing and Medical Devices with Randy Horton

Cloud Computing and Medical Devices with Randy Horton

Our guest is Mr. Randy Horton, who is the Chief Solutions Officer of Orthogonal (, a medical device consulting company. He also co-chairs the AAMI working group AAMI SW WG-10 Cloud Computing. The video was recorded on Dec 7, 2023

Further Reading/watching:
Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI). AAMI/CR510:2021; Appropriate use of public cloud computing for quality systems and medical devices. 2021. Report No.: CR510. Available from:

Securing SaMD & Medical Device Safety on the Ever Changing Cloud: A Conversation With AAMI. Robert Burroughs and Joseph Lewelling of AAMI interviewed Orthogonal’s Randy Horton and Philips’ Pat Baird on their work drafting and standardizing guidance on integrating the #cloud with SaMD. Nov 11, 2022

Randy Horton. How AI is turning your smartphone into the Swiss Army knife of clinical diagnostics. Bioimaging Sciences Seminar, Yale School of Medicine, April 2023.

YJBM Science News Podcast: Episode 9

YJBM Science News Podcast: Episode 9

Welcome to the ninth episode of YJBM Science News, where we discuss the recent news in healthcare and science across the Yale community. Today, our hosts Mara and Samantha discuss four of the most intriguing topics of the past week.


The Priest, the Philosopher, the Scientist, and the New Age of Medicine

The Priest, the Philosopher, the Scientist, and the New Age of Medicine

The Rev. Dr. Benjamin Doolittle is Professor of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at Yale Medical School and Professor of Religion and Health at Yale Divinity School. His talk explores the healer’s identity across the centuries, from the ancient Greek temples, to the anatomy theaters of the Renaissance, and to our present age. He asks the question, “What age of medicine are we in today?”

Leading the Way in Legal Education for 200 years

Leading the Way in Legal Education for 200 years

To mark Yale Law School’s bicentennial, Dean Heather K. Gerken joins President Peter Salovey for a conversation about the impact the school has had on legal education over two centuries and what comes next. Dean Gerken discusses the Yale Law School’s focus on bolstering needs-based aid, increasing the number of veterans on campus, and preparing the next generation of lawyers and leaders to engage across divides in polarized times.

Yale Law School bicentennial website
Bicentennial video

A Look into the Health Challenges in Artsakh

A Look into the Health Challenges in Artsakh

In the first episode of the Yale Global Health Insights podcast, host Dr. Sharon Chekijian introduces the podcast and talks about her work to improve emergency care in Armenia. She is joined by Dr. Svetlana Harutyunyan, who discusses her own experiences working in Artsakh, during the 2020 war, the blockade and the forced displacement that followed in September 2023.

Quality Systems and Risk Management with Megan Graham

Quality Systems and Risk Management with Megan Graham

Our guest is Ms. Megan Graham who is an experienced medical software quality and regulatory consultant, focusing on digital health. Ms. Graham also serves on a number of international standards committees including most recently AAMI SW WG-10 Cloud Computing. She is also an adjunct faculty member at the University of Minnesota where she teaches in the Master of Science Software Engineering Program. This interview was recorded Dec 14, 2023.

Further Reading:

Good Machine Learning Practice for Medical Device Development: Guiding Principles (ÒGMLPÓ). October 2021, Food & Drug Administration, Health Canada, and Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency. Available from:

ISO 13485:2016, Medical devices – Quality management systems – requirements for regulatory purposes. March 2016, International Organization for Standardization. Available from :

ISO 14971:2019, Medical devices – Application of risk management to medical devices. December 2019, International Organization for Standardization. Available from:

AAMI TIR 34971:2023, Application Of ISO 14971 To Machine Learning In Artificial IntelligenceÑGuide. March 2023, Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation. Available from:

NIST Risk Management Framework. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Available from:

NIST Secure Product Development Framework. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Available from:

Overgaard SM, Graham MG, Brereton T, Pencina MJ, Halamka JD, Vidal DE, Economou-Zavlanos NJ. Implementing quality management systems to close the AI translation gap and facilitate safe, ethical, and effective health AI solutions. NPJ Digit Med. Nov 25;6(1):218. Available from:

This interview is also available in video form on YouTube: