Tag: career strategy

Craft & Career: Colby Day, screenwriter – Part 2

Craft & Career: Colby Day, screenwriter – Part 2

The Craft & Career series connects with professional creatives from the arts, entertainment, and media industries, to discuss the nuances of their craft, the reality of their careers, and how, in often surprising ways, these two concerns can work together.

Guest host Derek Green returns to discuss screenwriting, both business and practice, with acclaimed screenwriter and playwright, Colby Day.

Colby Day: http://www.colbyday.com/

Derek Green: https://english.yale.edu/people/full-part-time-lecturers-creative-writers/derek-green

Craft & Career: Colby Day, screenwriter – Part 1

Craft & Career: Colby Day, screenwriter – Part 1

The Craft & Career series connects with professional creatives from the arts, entertainment, and media industries, to discuss the nuances of their craft, the reality of their careers, and how, in often surprising ways, these two concerns can work together.

Guest host Derek Green will be discussing screenwriting, both business and practice, with acclaimed screenwriter and playwright, Colby Day.

Colby Day: http://www.colbyday.com/

Derek Green: https://english.yale.edu/people/full-part-time-lecturers-creative-writers/derek-green

Craft & Career: Patrice D. Bowman ’15, Bowman Pictures – Part 2

Craft & Career: Patrice D. Bowman ’15, Bowman Pictures – Part 2

The Craft & Career series connects with professional creatives from the arts, entertainment, and media industries, to discuss the nuances of their craft, the reality of their careers, and how, in often surprising ways, these two concerns can work together.

We welcome back Patrice D. Bowman ’15, filmmaker, editor, colorist, and owner/operator of Bowman Pictures, to discuss approaches to filmmaking, both production and post, in the New York area.

Current film: https://www.bowmanpicturesllc.com/under-the-sun-after-the-wind

Upcoming film: https://www.bowmanpicturesllc.com/fathers-shadow

Craft & Career – Patrice D. Bowman ’15, Bowman Pictures – Part 1

Craft & Career – Patrice D. Bowman ’15, Bowman Pictures – Part 1

The Craft & Career series connects with professional creatives from the arts, entertainment, and media industries, to discuss the nuances of their craft, the reality of their careers, and how, in often surprising ways, these two concerns can work together.

This time we welcome Patrice D. Bowman ’15, filmmaker, editor, colorist, and owner/operator of Bowman Pictures.

Current film: https://www.bowmanpicturesllc.com/under-the-sun-after-the-wind

Upcoming film: https://www.bowmanpicturesllc.com/fathers-shadow

Craft & Career – J.M. DeMatteis, writer, comic-book creator – Part 2

Craft & Career – J.M. DeMatteis, writer, comic-book creator – Part 2

The Craft & Career series connects with professional creatives from the arts, entertainment, and media industries, to discuss the nuances of their craft, the reality of their careers, and how, in often surprising ways, these two concerns can work together.

We welcome back J.M. DeMatteis, legendary comic book creator and prolific writer, to dig beneath the surface of the freelance artists journey… with some suitably DeMatteis-style creative mysticism thrown in for inspiration.

More guest info: http://www.jmdematteis.com

Craft & Career With J.M. DeMatteis, Writer, Comic Book Creator – Part 1

Craft & Career With J.M. DeMatteis, Writer, Comic Book Creator – Part 1

The Craft & Career series connects with professional creatives from the arts, entertainment, and media industries, to discuss the nuances of their craft, the reality of their careers, and how, in often surprising ways, these two concerns can work together. This week we welcome J.M. DeMatteis, legendary comic book creator and prolific writer, to discuss the creative freelancer’s journey.

More guest info: www.jmdematteis.com

Craft & Career with Ari Edelson ’98, Producing Artistic Director, The Orchard Project

Craft & Career with Ari Edelson ’98, Producing Artistic Director, The Orchard Project

The Craft & Career series connects with professional creatives from the arts, entertainment, and media industries, to discuss the nuances of their craft, the reality of their careers, and how, in often surprising ways, these two concerns can work together.

We welcome back producer, director and artistic director for The Orchard Project, Ari Edelson ’98, to take the ongoing pulse of NY theater and media, and consider the unavoidably entrepreneurial nature of the creative professions.

Craft & Career with Ari Edelson ’98, Producing Artistic Director, The Orchard Project

Craft & Career with Ari Edelson ’98, Producing Artistic Director, The Orchard Project

Welcome back to the Craft & Career series, where we connect with professional creatives from the arts, entertainment, and media industries, inviting our guests to discuss the nuances of their craft, the reality of their career, and how, in often surprising ways, these two concerns can work together.

This week we’ll be discussing the current landscape of the NY theater and artistic non-profit space with Ari Edelson ’98, producer, director and artistic director for The Orchard Project.

Craft & Career with Hanoi Hantrakul ’15, AI Research Scientist, Composer, and Cultural Technologist – Part 2

Craft & Career with Hanoi Hantrakul ’15, AI Research Scientist, Composer, and Cultural Technologist – Part 2

We welcome back composer, AI researcher, and cultural technologist Hanoi Hantrakul ’15, to dig deeper into that fertile ground between the arts and sciences, and discuss trends and recommendations within these collaborative but fluid fields.

More guest info: lh-hantrakul.com/; and associated projects: yaboihanoi.com/; Spotify

Craft & Career with Hanoi Hantrakul ’15, AI Research Scientist, Composer, and Cultural Technologist

Craft & Career with Hanoi Hantrakul ’15, AI Research Scientist, Composer, and Cultural Technologist

Welcome back to the Craft & Career series, where we connect with professional creatives from the arts, entertainment, and media industries, inviting our guests to discuss the nuances of their craft, the reality of their career, and how, in often surprising ways, these two concerns can work together.

This week we’ll be discussing the unique and fertile ground lying between the arts and sciences with multimodal composer, AI researcher, and cultural technologist Hanoi Hantrakul ’15.

More guest info: lh-hantrakul.com/;

and associated projects: yaboihanoi.com/; Spotify