Tag: COVID-19

A Tale of Two Viruses: Interview with Sasha Tabachnikova

A Tale of Two Viruses: Interview with Sasha Tabachnikova

What do COVID and mono have in common? How can infectious diseases impact our health for life? How does a dancer end up doing basic science research? Join our hosts Isha Yardi and Elaine Yang in conversation with Sasha Tabachnikova about her work as a PhD student in the Iwasaki Lab. Today, she is our guide through the evolving landscape of research on post-acute infection syndromes.

Learn about YJBM here: https://medicine.yale.edu/yjbm/

Viruses and Autoimmunity issue: https://medicine.yale.edu/news-article/yjbms-december-2024-issue-focuses-on-viruses-and-autoimmunity/

Our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theyjbm/

Global Warming’s Hidden Toll: The Growing Threat of Emerging Diseases

Global Warming’s Hidden Toll: The Growing Threat of Emerging Diseases

In this episode of the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine Podcast, our hosts dive into the profound and often overlooked consequence of global warming: the rising threat of emerging diseases. Join us as we uncover the intricate relationship between climate change and the proliferation of new, potentially deadly illnesses. We’ll explore how shifts in temperature, habitat disruption, and the movement of disease vectors are paving the way for previously unknown health risks, and how we as a society should adapt to these new risks.

Ep. 31 – Zak Smith on ending the international wildlife trade

Ep. 31 – Zak Smith on ending the international wildlife trade

The repercussions of the international wildlife trade, which is a primary driver of our planet’s biodiversity crisis, have recently hit close to home. With the society-altering impacts of Covid-19, which scientists think originated in wild animals, and the cultural storm around the Netflix hit “Tiger King,” the true cost of the wildlife trade and the U.S.’s role in driving it have become topics of national concern. In this episode, we speak with Natural Resources Defense Council Senior Attorney Zak Smith, who has fought for years to protect at-risk wildlife from exploitation. Smith discusses his work leveraging international, federal, and state and local mechanisms to safeguard some of our planet’s most iconic species — such as vaquitas, giraffes, and elephants — and his vision for a more sustainable, equitable world.

Ep. 30 – Sonia Shah on how animal microbes become human pandemics

Ep. 30 – Sonia Shah on how animal microbes become human pandemics

Roughly two-thirds of emerging infectious diseases — including COVID-19 and almost all recent epidemics — originate in the bodies of animals. Microbes have spilled over from animals to humans for time immemorial, but, as our species dominates the biosphere and transforms the frequency and nature of human-animal interactions, the rate at which microbes are jumping the species barrier is rapidly accelerating. In this episode, we speak with investigative journalist Sonia Shah, author of “Pandemic: Tracking Contagions from Cholera to Ebola and Beyond,” about the history of viral infections and how our treatment of animals and the planet — via the burning of fossil fuels, biodiversity loss, deforestation, factory farming, the wildlife trade, and more — is fueling the eruption and spread of infectious diseases.