Tag: Interpretation

Modern Immigration Ideology and the Book of Revelation with Professor Yii-Jan Lin

Modern Immigration Ideology and the Book of Revelation with Professor Yii-Jan Lin

YDS Associate Professor of New Testament Yii-Jan Lin discusses how American immigration ideology and policy has been influenced by the Book of Revelation; COVID-19 and patterns of xenophobia in America; and modern political discourse on immigration.


Eve Isn’t Evil: A Feminist Perspective on Women in the Bible from Dr. Julie Faith Parker

Eve Isn’t Evil: A Feminist Perspective on Women in the Bible from Dr. Julie Faith Parker

In this episode, YDS alum Dr. Julie Faith Parker interprets the Bible through a feminist lens – reclaiming the biblical figure of Eve as a hero, questioning the common idea that only men authored scripture, and arguing that some of the women in Jesus’ circle are more important than some of the twelve disciples.

For more information and a transcript of this episode: https://divinity.yale.edu/news/eve-isn-t-evil-alum-scholar-challenges-assumptions-about-women-bible